The most worry-free and cost-effective delivery system for a propane customer is Automatic Route Delivery. Propane Central uses a state-of-the-art tracking system that monitors weather conditions and then calculates your gas usage to determine when your tank needs to be filled. You don’t have to worry about watching your tank gauge … that is our job.
As an Automatic Route Delivery customer, we maintain your propane supply year-round,
and you have the opportunity to take advantage of our prompt payment discount on every delivery.
This FREE program allows you to relax and enjoy worry-free propane service!

If you choose to be a Will Call customer, you are responsible for monitoring the amount of propane in the tank and calling us to have propane delivered. PLEASE FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH OUR WILL CALL POLICY.
It can take up to 10 days for us to work a delivery into our schedule, so please let us know when the tank gets to about 30% full to avoid incurring additional fees.